Showing posts with label preparedness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preparedness. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013

52 Weeks to Preparedness Week 12


WEEK #12

Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage. Substitute where appropriate depending on personal needs/requirements.

Food Storage  30 lbs of wheat
Extra Item  11 lbs of macaroni or spaghetti

Place the following in a Ziploc bag:
Children's aspirin (81 mg), adult aspirin or NSAID, vitamins (if you already take them), laxative, Aloe Vera, bug repellent, anti-diarrhea, cough drops and other items as desired.   (Note that probiotics are excellent during times of stress.)

Preparedness: Probiotics

This article is about Probiotics for horses but Probiotics are good for people, too, so KEEP READING!

Originally posted on Facebook by Lif Strand on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 1:59pm

Disclaimer: The information provided here on probiotics is not a substitute for veterinary care or your own research.  Keep in mind that some veterinarians may know little about probiotics or support a nutritional approach to health and healing and may not support your use of probiotics.

Probiotics are "good" gut bacteria. They work with enzymes and such to break down food enough to allow nutrients to be absorbed. Probiotics keep intestines clean by feeding on putrefied waste, fungi, harmful bacteria, yeast, poisons and other nasty substances. These bacteria also aid the body in producing essential elements such as hormones, vitamins and proteins needed for proper growth, immune function and healing. Good gut health is key to a healthy immune system.

Unrelieved or sufficiently intense stress, whether from emotional or physiological causes, kills off the good gut bacteria, resulting in a nasty feedback cycle wherein the body becomes more stressed because of inability to metabolize nutrients and the presence of stress hormones, which causes more stress, and so on.

Physical things that may cause stress kill-off of good gut bacteria include but are not limited to: Dehydration, alcohol (can happen with feeds that ferment in the gut), diets high in fat and protein that are not immediately utilized by the horse’s body, large quantities of sugars, the chlorine and fluorine so often found in our drinking water, antibiotics, other drugs, illness, fever, and overheating.

Some studies have been done linking the presence of adequate numbers of probiotics in the gut and mood in humans. "Gut immunity and neuro-immunity are intimately bound, sharing the same receptors and the same signals. Information that initiates in the gut ends up in the brain and vice versa, providing a comprehensive cross talk between the two sets of tissues." There is no reason to assume there would not be the same relationship between gut and emotions in horses as well.

I have myself seen a direct relationship between flooding a horse's gut with probiotics and behavior improvement - particularly with mares!

I don't recommend any particular brand, but I do highly recommend making sure that if you're using a probiotic powder that is supposed to be refrigerated that your source is refrigerating it! Also, a DDS-1 strain of acidophilus is preferred because DDS-1 acidophilus can handle the acid environment of the stomach much better than other strains. You do not need to get anything fancy that's got specialized bacteria, either, and don't bother spending big money on probiotics - anything that costs a lot has got other ingredients in it to pump up the price. The bacteria themselves are inexpensive to produce and therefore should not cost that much.

Probiotics for a horse in need

You can readily get probiotics for horses in two forms: Feed stores sell it in tubes and in bulk as a powder. Buy both forms: Get two tubes and one tub of the powder - it's not expensive at all.

The instructions on tube probiotics generally have you spread out several doses from one tube - but instead, give one tube in the morning, one tube in the evening. The flavor is nice so generally horses aren't resistant to the stuff.

The next day start giving the powdered probiotic in a small amount of low-energy moist feed (e.g. beet pulp mixed with Bermuda blend pellets or grass pellets if you can find them), well soaked. Whatever the probiotics directions are, feed about twice the dose three times a day for a few days, then twice the dose twice a day for a few days, then the regular dose twice a day for a while, maybe forever, depending on how your horse responds.

I buy powdered probiotics for equines at $12 for a half pound container from my feed store (refrigerated). The label says there are 48 servings in the container. My 27 year old mare was on it till the day she died to help keep up her weight and I give some to my stallion to help him keep even, and I take it too. Of course, you can buy acidophilus for humans almost anywhere nowadays, and you may prefer taking capsules rather than dealing with a powder.

The brand I get is Super Pro-Biotic manufactured by Animal Health of Eugene Oregon. It has just 4 kinds of bacteria, including acidophilus DDS-1. Any brand will do as long as it doesn’t contain fillers, the acidophilus is the DDS-1 strain, and you trust that it’s been kept refrigerated.

Probiotics for dogs & cats

While I have seen good results using horse probiotics for dogs, I recommend getting a blend that is made specifically for carnivores, as different bacteria flourish in and support different pH in the gut.  Meat eaters need more bifidus for a more acid environment than herbivores (plant eaters), which benefit more from the alkaline gut that they get from acidophilus.

Probiotics for people

I'm not a doctor, not a nutritionist or a scientist qualified by virtue of a degree or license to give nutritional advice, so I'm not.  Reread the above info about animals.  Use your brain.  If you can't use your brain, in my opinion you for sure need to be taking probiotics.  Seems to me that if probiotics work for horses, then any human who lives a stressful life (which is most everyone nowadays) would benefit from them.  I'd go without almost any nutritional supplement at all (except for L-lysine) before I'd go without probiotics.

More info:
Here's a link to the article on probiotics and their relationship to depression. 
Wikipedia info on probiotics
Harvard Medical School on probiotics
Mayo Clinic on probiotics
WebMD on probiotics

Sunday, March 17, 2013

52 Weeks to Preparedness Week 11


WEEK #11

Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage. Substitute where appropriate depending on personal needs/requirements.

Food Storage  Powdered fruit drink: (to make 30 quarts)
Extra Item  Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste (to last 6 months)

72 Hour Kit  First Aid Kit (place in zip lock bags)
2 pair exam gloves, 1 triangle bandage, antibiotic hand sanitizer, scissors, penlight, 1 roll gauze, burn cream, 6 bandaids, 1 ace bandage, antibiotic ointment, 4 butterfly closures 6 alcohol swabs

Family Prep  Check all windows around the house and make sure they work properly to use as an exit in case of emergency.  Teach all family members how to operate the windows and give specific permission to break the window if it will normally not open.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

52 Weeks to Preparedness Week 10


WEEK #10

Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.  Substitute where appropriate depending on personal needs/requirements.

Food Storage  8 cans of soup
Extra Item  2 months' laundry soap

72 Hour Kit  Individual needs: Personal prescribed medication, extra pair of glasses and sunglasses, contact lenses and supplies, hearing aid batteries.  Place individual needs in your kit.  If it can’t be in your kit (refrigeration, etc.) keep it ready to go.  Adjust your 72 hour kits for infants, children, and the elderly with their special needs

Family Prep  Fill out Personal Information Sheets  for each family member.  Have it in a readily available spot.  Make 3 copies for:

  1. At Home
  2. In your car
  3. In your 72 hour kit

Sunday, March 3, 2013

52 Weeks to Preparedness: Week 9



Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

Food Storage  8 cans of meat (tuna, chicken, turkey)
Extra Item  8 rolls of toilet paper

72 Hour Kit  Place a set of your preferred religious/spiritual reading in a ziplock

Family Prep  Place a set of your preferred religious/spiritual reading in a ziplock bag in the family utility box and in your car.

Sunday, February 24, 2013




Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

Food Storage 30 lbs of wheat
Extra Item 30 lbs of beans

72 Hour Kit Personal Hygiene Kit
Travel size shampoo, bar soap, chapstick, lotion, razor, nail clippers, comb, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, handy wipes, hand sanitizer, 1 roll of toilet paper, small package of tissues, feminine items. You can put a kit together easily or buy them at (e.g. 73 Piece Personal Hygiene and First Aid Kit for under $30) or look in camping/hunting stores.

Family Prep Provide a safer alternative heat source for your home. This could be your fireplace or wood stove or a propane or kerosene space heater. A year’s supply of fuel is preferable but for emergency purposes two weeks supply would be acceptable. Any time an alternative heating system is operating, have at least on carbon monoxide detector in use and ventilation must be provided to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Sunday, February 17, 2013



Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

Food Storage:  6 lbs of jam
Extra Item:  20 lbs of oats

72 Hour Kit   Flashlight and AM/FM radio with extra batteries (wrap all electronic items in two separate layers of aluminum foil if you are concerned about the risk of EMP damage)

Family Prep: Clear brush, debris and trees to 30’ from your home.

Sunday, February 10, 2013



Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

Food Storage:  8 cans of vegetables
Extra Item: 30 lbs of rice

Family Prep: Make sure your house number is large and visible for Emergency Responders to see. Call your County Office to make sure they have the correct house number. Make sure all family members know their address and how to give directions on how to get there. Call your local police department and ask if your home telephone number matches to what they have for your address. Make sure their directions to your house are correct with the enhance 911 system. Notify your local police of any peculiar directions or special needs.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013



Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.


Food Storage                          8 cans of fruit
Extra Item                              8 rolls of toilet paper (1 per week)
72 Hour Kit                            Outer gear – correct for the season.
                                                Winter coat, rain gear, hat/gloves per person
Family Prep                            HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR FAMILY!!!

 Pick 2 meeting places:
1)      A place near your home in case of fire.
2)      A place outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home after a disaster.

Choose an OUT-OF-STATE friend as a “Check-in Contact” for everyone to call.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events, and, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

WEEK #4 

Food Storage: 30 lbs wheat
Extra Item:  8 lbs of salt
72 hour kit: Flashlight with extra batteries (or solar powered!)
Family Preparation:  Fire prevention

  • Test smoke detectors weekly
  • Change batteries every 6 months (at General Conference in April and October)
  • Date the battery
  • Smoke detectors should be on each floor inside and outside each bedroom


I'm still catching up with the "52 Weeks To Family Preparedness for Two" plan. Sorry for the delays!

Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to preparedness and, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

WEEK #3 

Food Storage: 20 lbs white sugar or honey
Extra Item: 1 container of dish soap to last three months
72 hour kit: 1 change of clothing placed in waterproof bag (zip lock bags) such as pants, shirt, wool socks, underwear, etc. per person
Family Preparation:  Obtain a Family Utility Box (aka Action Packer), such as a cooler with wheels, cardboard box, etc. for your family stuff.


I'm a little behind in updating the "52 Weeks To Family Preparedness for Two" plan. Sorry!

Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to preparedness and, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.


Food Storage: 8 cans of Cream of Chicken Soup
Extra Item: Laundry soap for 2 months
72 hour kit: One blanket (wool preferred) or sleeping bag per person + sleeping mat. 
Family Preparation:  Place a pair of gloves, flashlight, shoes by your nightstand, in case of an emergency in the middle of the night.

Tip:  Check stores for sales - if you don't like Cream of Chicken Soup get something else!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


My friend Jonille Shepherd is putting together a "52 Weeks To Family Preparedness for Two" plan.  Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to preparedness and, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.

You can do this!  The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage.

  1. Food Storage:  8 cans of tuna 
  2. Extra Item 8 rolls of toilet paper (1 roll per week for 2 months) 
  3. 72 hour kit: Obtain from around the house, keep in a backpack per person (or suitcase with wheels for mobility for elderly or handicapped). 

Family Preparation (your choice)
  • Store enough water for 72 hours – 1 gallon a day per person = 3 gallons per person 
  • Preferred water storage – 2 weeks – 14 gallons per person 
  • Also store purifying agents such as Potable Aqua Tablets, chlorine, filters, etc.