Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Endurance Horse Races

Thurs. May 27-Sun. May 30
Second Annual Ride the Divide Horse Endurance Ride

Enjoy riding either a 35 or 50 mile trail any or all of 4 days. Riders will start from base camp at the private El Caso Campgrounds east of the USFS campgrounds. These races are sanctioned by the American Endurance Ride Conference and horses are monitored throughout the races by AERC qualified veterinarians.

Location: 3 miles east of Quemado Lake. For entry information go to

Friday, May 7, 2010

County Commission meeting date change

Public Notice

The regular scheduled Catron County Commission Meeting for Wednesday, May 19, 2010 has been changed to Monday, May 17, 2010. The next regular scheduled meeting will be Friday, June 4, 2010. Meetings will resume their regular schedule Wednesday, June 16, 2010. All meetings will begin at 9:00 AM. Meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting room on the 2nd floor of the Catron County Courthouse. Agendas will be available before the meetings at . For more information, contact Bill Aymar at (575) 533-6423 or by email at .

Bill Aymar
County Manager

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Live for today or tomorrow?

The old ant vs the grasshopper story - the sun is shining, the temperature is mild and the wind isn't blowing, so being outdoors calls to me. But the list of backlogged work is so long. Do I live for today - the sunshine and the beautiful spring day - or for tomorrow's paycheck?

It's Sunday. I'm going outside to play. No wait - the Tracker hasn't wanted to start for days. I think I'll open the hood and check out what's going on. I'm no mechanic, but I can wiggle wires and such with the best of them.


Temperature this morning at dawn: 13°.
Two years ago this day: First asparagus peeking out of the soil. No asparagus yet this year!

Monday, February 15, 2010

HJM 48 - act today!

One more effort from all of you who have been working for more equitable treatment of ranchers in the Mexican wolf fiasco can make a big difference.

New Mexico House Joint Memorial 048 has passed out of the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee today and goes to the House floor. Your continued support of this memorial for fair compensation for our ranchers is vital. Call or email your NM congressmen today!

More at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Isagenix cleanse update 11/09

Well, not so good this week. I only lost one pound and no inches. I will confess that every day I went into town and had a large decaf breve at a local (non-Starbucks) shop. (Theer's a story in that, but I'm not going to confess). Now, I know there aren't enough calories in a breve to add up to anything, particularly since I was following the plan as directed otherwise. Well, maybe not. I suppose those sandwiches I had a couple days were a bit non-plan.

OK, ok, I was bad. But really, not all that bad - with this last pound, I've lost 29 pounds in the last year and that is good for something! And while I cheated, I didn't lose any ground.

The holidays are coming up, the parties are starting soon. I'm going to go off the cleanse but I will have an Isagenix shake every morning and *try* to be good the rest of the time. At least then when I start up in January I won't have backslid (too much).

I'm at 140 lbs right now - I could stop because at a bit over 5' 7" no weight chart says I'm overweight. But I know that I would be happier if that last bit of flab disappeared, so if I can fit in a 9-day cleanse between now and after the holidays, I will. There's a program for that, too - I haven't tried it yet.

Thing is, I really like losing the weight, I like how much better I feel. That's a good reason to keep with it, even though I'm sliding a wee bit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Isagenix cleanse update

Sunday was a cleanse day - liquid fast all day using a cleansing drink. You do a cleanse day every 7 days and the first is the hardest, at least for me, but I got through it just fine.

Here's the results: 2.5 inches and 5 lbs in one week! My pants feel noticeably looser and I feel really great. When you lose weight so fast, you can really notice it and I love that!