WEEK #11
Follow this for painless preparedness that will get you going on the path to being ready for catastrophic events and that, at the end of the year, will leave you in the best position to thrive in the event of any emergency.
You can do this! The cost is spread out over a full year, plus you will have a year to work out your storage. Substitute where appropriate depending on personal needs/requirements.
Food Storage Powdered fruit drink: (to make 30 quarts)
Extra Item Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste (to last 6 months)
72 Hour Kit First Aid Kit (place in zip lock bags)
2 pair exam gloves, 1 triangle bandage, antibiotic hand sanitizer, scissors, penlight, 1 roll gauze, burn cream, 6 bandaids, 1 ace bandage, antibiotic ointment, 4 butterfly closures 6 alcohol swabs
Family Prep Check all windows around the house and make sure they work properly to use as an exit in case of emergency. Teach all family members how to operate the windows and give specific permission to break the window if it will normally not open.